Lockdown Becoming a big misfortune for beggers & poors !-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->

Lockdown Becoming a big misfortune for beggers & poors

As We Know Lockdown is Miracel for us and it will also prove in feature

I also recommend you to Stay at home. Please work from home and don't gather around.
Police also have to do some bad with people who don't understand a talk then they have to use another language to explain fools:-


Two days into the "total lockdown" ordered by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to halt the spread of the COVID-19 virus, videos of police punishing those who violate curfews and ignore restrictions on movements have begun to emerge from across the country.
One such video - from western Uttar Pradesh's Budaun town - shows a group of young men forced to hop down the main road with bags strapped to their backs.
Reports from the town suggest they are migrant workers trying to return home amid the lockdown. They were caught by the cops, who refused to listen to their pleas and humiliated by being made to hop and crawl in this heat.
"The policeman seen in the video is a probationer with about a year of experience. Senior officers were present but manning other spots. Corrective action will be taken. I apologize for the video and am ashamed about what happened," AK Tripathi, the Budaun police chief, said.

लोग सड़को पर आने के लिए हुए मजबूर :-

जगतपुरा के लोग फुटपाथ पर निकल क्र बैठ गए है| लोगो का कहना है की उन्हें खाने पीने के लिए जा किसे भी तरह कि सुख सुविधा सरकार की तरफ नहीं पहुंच रही |  एक रिपोर्ट से यह भी पता चला है कि दुविधा प्रोवाइडर लोगो की भीड़ देखकर गाडी ही नहीं रोकते और लोग भूख से मर रहे है | जिसके कारण भूखे लोग सड़को पर आने के लिए मजबूर हो चुके है | 

But Think Who don't have Home What they Do:-

Here We have some reports some heart touching news about homeless people

Across the country heart-breaking pictures and videos have emerged of migrant labour, mostly daily wagers, being forced to return home by walking hundreds of kilometers in the absence of public transport that has been shut as a result of the "total lockdown".
This morning Bunty, a daily wage labourer who is among a stream of migrants who have begun the long and punishing trek from Delhi to their village in Uttar Pradesh, told NDTV: "No one helps you in Delhi, the way they do in the village".
Daily wage labourer Bunty and his family walk from Delhi to their village in Uttar Pradesh
Bunty's village is 150 kilometres from Delhi and he is forced to travel that distance with his wife and three young children. They have little money and not enough food for the trip.

  • Some others are even less fortunate - they have no means of getting to villages much further away.
On Tuesday a young boy from Bihar broke down and cried while speaking to NDTV. He was among scores of disappointed migrant workers stranded in Delhi, with no money or shelter, after interstate bus services were shut down by the government.
He, like thousands of other labourers, work for daily wages in construction sites around the national capital. With the lockdown in effect, all building work has been stopped and they are out of jobs.
The boy works at a construction site and has been stranded after Delhi locked down
The lockdown ordered by the Prime Minister has been acknowledged by experts, and opposition leaders, as a necessary move to control the spread of the infectious COVID-19 virus.
Here People Like Bunty what will happen with Then
no one needs to panic about if also your someone is out of home and stuck like Them
Government Gave Helplines To Save them 
PM Modi, while announcing measures to deal with the outbreak, had urged people to "stay in whichever city you are", in an effort to reduce the spread of the virus.
Unfortunately, for people like Bunty and the men in the video from UP's Budaun, staying in their current locations is difficult without an income to take care of the basic necessities.
The government has helped some people; last week the Railways, which has now shut all services, sent four special trains carrying thousands of migrants from the Mumbai-Pune region to Bihar.

कोरोना वायरस की रोकथाम के लिए देशभर में लागू 21 दिनों के लॉकडाउन:-

के बाद रोजी-रोटी की समस्या के चलते देशभर में मजदूरों का पलायन हो रहा है।दिल्ली, महाराष्ट्र, छत्तीसगढ़ आदि जैसे कई राज्य हैं, जहां से लोग पैदल ही अपने गांव वापस जा रहे हैं। इसी बीच महाराष्ट्र और कर्नाटक में अपने घरों की ओर वापसी कर रहे कुछ लोग हादसे का शिकार हो गए। दो हादसों में दस लोगों की मौत हो गई।

महाराष्ट्र के पालघर जिले के वसई तालुका में शनिवार को तेज गति से रहे टेंपो से कुचल कर चार लोगों की मौत हो गई और तीन गंभीर रूप से घायल हो गए। ये सभी गुजरात से मुंबई पैदल जा रहे थे। हादसे के बाद पुलिस के एक अधिकारी ने बताया कि यह दुर्घटना परोले गांव में तड़के तीन बजे हुई जब तेज गति से रहे एक टेंपो ने गुजरात से मुंबई पैदल जा रहे कुछ लोगों को कुचल दिया। हादसे में चार लोगों की मौत हो गई और तीन गंभीर रूप से घायल हो गए।
वहीं, कनार्टक के बाहरी इलाके में एक मजदूरों को ले जा रही लॉारी से टकराकर छह लोगों की मौत हो गई। हादसा आउटर रिंग रोड पर हुआ। लॉरी मजदूरों को कनार्टक में उनके गांवों में ले जा रही थी। लॉकडाउन के कारण बेरोजगार हुए 30 मजदूर कनार्टक के रायचूर जिले में अपने गांव लौट रहे थे। इस हादसे में छह अन्य घायल हो गए।
उन्होंने कहा कि घायलों को पास के एक अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया और मृतकों के शव पोस्टमार्टम के लिए भेज दिए गए हैं। अधिकारी ने बताया कि टेंपो चालक को हिरासत में ले लिया गया है और विरार पुलिस इस संबंध में मामला दर्ज कर जांच कर रही है।
Here Latest data analyze To death Rating with COVID-19
The coronavirus outbreak in the country has infected over 600 people since originating in China's Wuhan district in December last year and has been linked to the deaths of at least 13 people. Worldwide over four lakh have been infected and more than 18,000 have been killed.
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