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India will Win fight against COVID-19 Keep supporting our government instruction

India will win the battle against Coronavirus ‘at an early date’, says China, offers help

Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Chinese President Xi Jinping

India will win battle against Coronavirus ‘at an early date’, says China, offers help
China on Wednesday thanked India for its support in the fight against COVID-19 and offered to help contain the Coronavirus pandemic in the country.

  •  Counselor Ji Rong said, “Chinese enterprises have started to make donations to India. We stand ready to provide further support and assistance to the best of our capability in light of the needs of the Indian side.”
  • China and India, she said, have maintained communication and cooperation and lent support to each other in coping with the epidemic through difficult times.

“The Indian side has provided medical supplies to China. Indian people have supported China’s fight against the epidemic in various ways. We express appreciation and thanks for that,” Rong said.

Over 3,200 people have died and around 81,000 people have been infected by the novel Coronavirus in China so far. India sent about 15 tonnes of medical assistance comprising masks, gloves and another emergency medical equipment to the Coronavirus-hit Wuhan city.
China, she said, has timely shared its experience in epidemic prevention and control and diagnosis and treatment since the beginning of the outbreak.
Recently, China held an online video conference to brief 19 Eurasian and South Asian countries, including India, on China’s experience, the spokesperson pointed out.
“We believe that the Indian people will win the battle at an early date. China will continue to fight the epidemic together with India and other countries, enhance cooperation in multilateral platforms such as G20 and BRICS, contribute our wisdom and strength to better address the global challenges and promote the health and well-being of all mankind,” Ji Rong said.
On Monday, China had “applauded” the aid sent by India during the height of Beijing’s battle against the deadly Coronavirus and said it would like to share its experience in handling the COVID-19 with New Delhi and provide necessary assistance in preventing its spread.
Earlier in February, in a letter written to the Chinese President, PM Modi had expressed solidarity with Xi Jinping and the people of the Asian country over the outbreak of the deadly Coronavirus and offered all possible assistance to China in grappling with the situation.
In response, China appreciated India’s concerns saying New Delhi “fully demonstrated” its friendship with Beijing.
“We thank and appreciate India’s support for China’s fight against the NCP Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia, the official name for coronavirus. India’s acts of goodwill fully demonstrate its friendship with China,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang had said.

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